Privacy Notice

This privacy notice was last reviewed or revised on June 24, 2024.

Dan Radin Strategy LLC understands that your privacy is important to you. We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal data. This privacy notice describes how we handle and protect your personal data (the “Privacy Notice”) when we collect it through Dan Radin Strategy websites, applications, and digital assets (collectively, our “Sites”) and through our externally facing business activities, such as service offerings, events, surveys, and communications, when we interact with you and collect data from you.

1. Data controller

When Dan Radin Strategy collects and processes your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Notice, we do so as authorized under applicable data privacy laws, whether as data controller or joint controller (similar terms may be used under applicable law), which means that we determine and are responsible for how your personal data is collected, used, protected, disclosed, and disposed of.

2. How do we collect your personal data?

Dan Radin Strategy collects personal data in the course of our business activities directly from you and from third parties:

  • Dan Radin Strategy collects personal data about you in the course of our routine business activities:

    • When you interact with our Sites

    • When you register to receive Dan Radin Strategy newsletters and when you interact with those newsletters;

    • When you sign up for and participate in Dan Radin Strategy conferences and events;

    • When you participate in public content posting areas, such as bulletin boards, discussion forums, and Dan Radin Strategy social media sites;

    • When you participate in a survey, panel discussion, or individual discussion conducted by Dan Radin Strategy; or

    • When you interact with Dan Radin Strategy or its employees on its Sites, by email, or telephone, to ask a question, request information, or otherwise seek a response from Dan Radin Strategy.

Sensitive personal data – We may also collect sensitive personal data directly from you, for instance when you respond to a survey or panel discussion conducted by Dan Radin Strategy and provide us with demographic or other personal data or when you provide information to permit us to accommodate your specific request at a conference or event. We use sensitive personal data only with your consent unless another legal basis exists (e.g., public health requirements). When we collect and use sensitive personal data for research, data analysis, and statistical purposes, we use it to produce reports and publications based on deidentified datasets.

We may combine personal data that we receive directly from you with personal data that we receive from third parties, to the extent that all such collection and use of personal data and sensitive personal data is consistent with this Privacy Notice and with the purposes and data access as described below.

3. Why and how are we using your personal data?

Dan Radin Strategy uses your personal data for different purposes and may combine data from multiple sources to accomplish those purposes. The list below summarizes the purposes for which we process your personal data, the categories of personal data that we use for each purpose, and the legal grounds on which each data processing activity is based, along with who has access to the personal data.

Managing our business relationship with you

Purpose: As an employee of a Dan Radin Strategy client, you receive information regarding our services and solutions, including proposals, invoices, etc.

Categories of personal data: Name, pronouns, email, location, professional or employment related information like job title, position, or employer

Legal basis for use: Legitimate interest for the provision of services

Data access: Only Dan Radin Strategy LLC unless otherwise specified.


Purpose: If you register for Dan Radin Strategy newsletters, you receive business, management, or industry-specific information.

Categories of personal data: User ID, pronouns, name and email address, phone number

Legal basis for use: Legitimate interest for the provision of our services

Data access: MOnly Dan Radin Strategy LLC unless otherwise specified.

Conferences and events

Purpose: Sign up for and process your requests to participate in conferences and events, including webcasts.

Categories of personal data: Name, pronouns, email, location, professional or employment-related information like job title, position, employer, dietary information, or health-related information to accommodate for any special requirements, including disabilities, or authorizations for audio and video material if we are taking pictures or videos

Legal basis for use: Legitimate interest to provision you access to our conferences and events and based on your consent, where legally required, when signing up for conferences and events with regards to participating in audio or video, webcasts or other media events

Data access: Only Dan Radin Strategy LLC unless otherwise specified.

Public user posts and surveys

Purpose: Participate in public user posting areas, including bulletin boards and discussion forums, and participate in surveys for research or other business-related purposes. For each survey, we provide you with specific information concerning which personal data is collected and how the processing activity is carried out.

Categories of personal data: Your personal preferences and information you provide about you, comments, statements, or posts

Legal basis for use: Your consent provided when posting in such forums and participating in surveys

Data access: Only Dan Radin Strategy LLC unless otherwise specified.

Benchmarking and analytics

Purpose: Conduct benchmark and data analytics activities, such as analysis of recruiting practices across an industry, detecting fraud patterns in connection with financial transactions, and consumer traffic in retail environments.

Categories of personal data: Specific business information related to you, location, behavioral data, etc.

Legal basis for use: Our legitimate interest in doing research and analytics activities as part of our business and, when needed, your consent to Dan Radin Strategy or the third parties that provide us with the information

Data access: Only Dan Radin Strategy LLC unless otherwise specified.

Maintain and provide Dan Radin Strategy services

Purpose: Provide our services or products to our clients, including benchmarking products.

Categories of personal data: Access data, email, and your name for communication with you, preferences on website or app use, etc.

Legal basis for use: Legitimate interest in promoting and protecting Dan Radin Strategy, provision of our services and building and maintaining relationships

Data access: Only Dan Radin Strategy LLC unless otherwise specified.

Legal compliance and legal actions

Purpose: Comply with all applicable regulations, exercise legal actions and legal defense at courts, prevent fraud, and enforce Dan Radin Strategy agreements, this Privacy Notice, the Cookie Notice, and our terms of use, as well as complying with corporate reporting obligations.

Categories of personal data: Data will depend upon specific legal requirement.

Legal basis for use: Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations

Data access: Only Dan Radin Strategy LLC unless otherwise specified.

Aggregation, anonymization, and deidentification of your data

Purpose: Aggregate, deidentify, or anonymize your personal data so that, depending on and in compliance with applicable law, your data is no longer considered as personal data. We may use such data for the provision of our services, including research or statistical analysis, and may share such data with our clients or other business parties

Categories of personal data: Personal data, personal data, including as identified for other purposes in this chart.

Legal basis for use: Legitimate interest for the provision of our services and to protect your privacy

Data access: Dan Radin Strategy may maintains deidentified personal data in deidentified form and does not use or permit others to use deidentified data in any way that would identify or reidentify individuals in the data set.

Marketing communications

Purpose: Based on your preferences and opt in when you sign up for newsletters, events, and similar activities, we may send you newsfeeds or updates about Dan Radin Strategy in relation to your interests. You can opt out of those communications at any time.

Categories of personal data: Name, email address, title, company

Legal basis for use: Your consent when signing up for newsletters, events, and similar activities

Data access: Only Dan Radin Strategy LLC unless otherwise specified.

Whenever the legal ground is our legitimate interest, Dan Radin Strategy only processes your personal data after assessing the adequacy, proportionality, and legitimacy of the data-processing activity.

If consent as a legal basis for processing has been relied upon and you have withdrawn it, we may not be able to properly provide you with our full range of services and a good user experience.

Dan Radin Strategy’s use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Dan Radin Strategy may use first- and third-party cookies and other tracking technologies, including web beacons, to manage our Sites and services, and to collect analytics about how you use them. Dan Radin Strategy may collect information about whether you open or click any links in the knowledge, research, or event communications that we send you. You have options regarding our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. P

In addition, we use tools and applications that reduce security threats and reduce the risk of access by bots and automated devices, but we do not use those tools and applications for non-security purposes.

4. What do we not do when we collect and process your personal data?

We do not acquire, use, or allow others to use deidentified data with the intent of identifying or reidentifying individuals. When we receive deidentified data or transform personal data that we have collected into deidentified data, we make the following commitments:

  • Dan Radin Strategy will maintain deidentified data in deidentified form.

  • Except to the extent necessary to confirm that personal data has been transformed into deidentified data, Dan Radin Strategy will not attempt to identify or reidentify specific individuals within a deidentified dataset or otherwise use deidentified data to attempt to associate specific individuals with individual characteristics and will not permit any entity or individual acting on Dan Radin Strategy’s behalf to do so.

California residents: We do not share or sell your personal data as those terms are defined in California Civil Code § 1798.140.

5. Who has access to your personal data? Data recipients and international data transfers

Personal data collected in the course of Dan Radin Strategy business activities may be transferred to service providers and third parties as necessary to accomplish the specific business purposes for which the personal data were collected and to support our interactions with you, and otherwise as required to comply with applicable law.

  • To service providers and personnel;

  • To legal and professional advisors;

  • To third parties in the following circumstances;

    • If we are required to do so by law or legal process;

    • To law enforcement authorities or other government officials pursuant to lawful request;

    • When we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity;

    • If disclosure is necessary to protect the vital interests of a person;

    • To protect our property, services, and legal rights;

    • To prevent fraud against Dan Radin Strategy, our subsidiaries, affiliates and/or business partners;

    • To aid in Dan Radin Strategy’s investigation of an actual or suspected security incident, such as a breach involving confidential information or personal information or a violation of Dan Radin Strategy policy;

    • To support auditing, compliance, and corporate governance functions;

    • To comply with any and all applicable laws.

  • To a successor or different business entity in the event of a reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, or other transfer or disposition of all or any portion of our business.

To protect personal data that is transferred internationally, Dan Radin Strategy complies with all applicable data transfer laws, including incorporating required data transfer terms into our agreements with service providers,and third parties.

6. Security

Dan Radin Strategy protects and safeguards your personal data globally, in accordance with applicable law, our privacy and data security policies, and this Privacy Notice. We use generally accepted standards of technical and operational security to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction, in consideration of the risks associated with the personal data and its processing, and we require the same level of protection and safeguarding from our subsidiaries and affiliates, our service providers, and third parties. Only authorized personnel of Dan Radin Strategy and of our service providers are permitted to access personal data, and these employees and service providers are required to treat this information as confidential. Despite these precautions however, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized persons will not obtain access to your personal data.

7. How long do we keep your personal data?

Dan Radin Strategy keeps your personal data only as long as necessary to accomplish the business purposes for which it was collected to meet our legal or contractual obligations. We will securely delete your personal data promptly after the purposes described above cease to apply in accordance with the prevailing market practice for such destruction.

If you request that we delete your personal data, Dan Radin Strategy will comply with applicable law and will make reasonable attempts to delete all instances of the personal data, subject to our right to keep a copy of such data for the purposes mentioned above.

8. Data collection from children

Dan Radin Strategy does not intentionally use its Sites and business content to collect or maintain personal data from individuals under the age of 16. To the extent that any of our non-site business activities may involve collecting or maintaining personal data from or about individuals under the age of 16, we would do so only with the required legal consent from the parent, guardian, or individual and in accordance with applicable law.

9. What are your data protection rights, and how can you exercise them?

9.1. Your data protection rights.

Subject to applicable law, including exceptions, you have the following rights with regard to the personal data that we collect about you:

  • Right to request information about the personal data that we hold about you, including information about how we use your personal data, who has access to it, and the terms under which third parties have access to your personal data;

  • Right to request a copy of the personal data that we hold about you;

  • Right to request portability of your data to permit you to provide a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to transmit that personal data to another controller;

  • Right to request that we correct or otherwise amend your personal data if it is not correct or otherwise not complete, timely, and accurate for the purposes for which we are using it;

  • Right to request deletion of your personal data;

  • Right to request that we cease processing or restrict or limit the processing of your personal data;

  • Right to withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data where the basis of our processing is your consent;

  • Right to not be discriminated against for exercising your individual rights regarding your personal data;

  • Right to seek additional legal remedies regarding our response to your request to exercise your individual data-protection rights, depending upon your jurisdiction, by lodging a complaint with your data-protection authority or initiating a legal proceeding

9.2. How to unsubscribe to Dan Radin Strategy newsletters?

If you receive Dan Radin Strategy newsletter, or if you receive invitations to surveys or events from Dan Radin Strategy and if you would prefer not to receive future email communications from us, you may unsubscribe by clicking on the link in an email you have received from us.