Dan Radin Dan Radin

What Happened at Sonos and Why QSC Should Pay Attention

As QSC pursues its ambitious platform vision for Pro Audio, the company can draw important lessons from the challenges faced by Sonos. While Sonos struggled with balancing progress and user loyalty, QSC must navigate the delicate balance between pushing the Pro Audio industry forward and respecting the deep needs of its users. Pro Audio professionals demand precision, control, and flexibility—even when it introduces complexity.

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Dan Radin Dan Radin

Leading through VUCA: what managers and executives need to know

Nothing makes sense, the old playbooks don’t work like they used to, the competition is competing harder, and you feel that old Heraclitus chestnut, “change is the only constant,” big time. Leading through VUCA requires a shift from traditional management practices to a more adaptable, human-centric approach.

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